One on One Coaching

Specific to Your Needs

Focus on Topics Important to You and Your Children

The word “Coach” originated from the word “Stagecoach”, which was a means to take a person from where they are to where they want to go.

A Parent Coach takes that concept and helps the Parent move forward towards reasonable and sustainable goals by listening to your challenges and working together to implement effective changes.

It is a process in which the Coach works with the Parent by video conference to help: 

  • Get clear on what it is you want as a parent,
  • Figure out what is stopping you from getting it, and
  • Create actions to move past it so you can make your dreams, and those of your children, a reality

You will gain perspective and give yourself the power to be a more effective parent by establishing goals to help get where you wish to be, without feeling overwhelmed or defeated.

A 60 minute session, or a group of sessions, are available to everyone, with Village members receiving a 10% discount.  Membership includes an exploratory session with one of our Coaches to explain the process and to see if you have a specific area that you want to work on together.   

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